Top 20 NuGet validator Packages

This library provides an IPasswordValidator for Microsoft ASP.NET Core Identity which validates passwords against's Pwned Passwords using the v2 RESTful API.
CHIMP validators API
CHIMP validators API
Build validators for forms (IFormCollection) and queries (IQueryCollection) using a simple fluent interface
FluentObjectValidator is a small and simple validation library that provides fluent interface for rule configuration.
A command line tool that validates files against a JSON schema.
Juhta.Net.Validation defines common data validation interfaces and provides a set of validator classes. This library is a part of Juhta.NET.
Simple, unambitious, fluent, chain of responsability based validation library.
A SDK to validate against the Validator API of the Ketenstandaard Including Async methods
.Net developers, now manage easyly your models validations by customizing different properties rules. This specially for object oriented programming.
Provides various license validators that can be used to validate client licenses (embedded, floating, subscription, etc.)
Stanford-password-policy-dotnet is a password validator library for ASP.NET Core. The Stanford password policy is a dynamic password policy that encourages the use of easy to remember, yet secure passphrases instead of hard to remember passwords.
FluentValidator adapter for System.ComponentModel.Annotations.Validation library.
Easy model validator for custom models and POCO objects outside of the MVC validation context
The ASP.NET Core Model State Validator fully abstracted to use in any .NET Core application.
Compiled LINQ Expressions that validate objects.
The Enterprise Library Validation Application Block provides useful features that allow developers to implement structured and easy-to-maintain validation scenarios in their applications.
This component allows the Enterprise Library Validation Application Block to integrate with WinForms.
This component allows the Enterprise Library Validation Application Block to integrate with WPF.
A c# client for the AChecker accessibility validator.