Top 20 NuGet unittest Packages
A library aimed to minimize the setup of Entity Framework Core unit-testing database providers in conjunction with AutoFixture.
NDbUnit for SqlLite targets; NDbUnit is a framework for managing database state during data-dependent unit tests
A bunch of helpers to get around the deficiencies of MSTest. Features Dynamic/Runtime DataSource's, better exception support and much much more!
Automatically creates services for unit testing with constructor parameters as Moq-objects. Docs and info are available on the project's github site
An open source utility to turn object graphs into strings. Automate your ToString and unit tests asserts.
It's what a Mocking Framework should be. Powerful. And it's the first of its kind.
NDbUnit Core Services; not intended to be consumed by itself
Библиотека средств помощи в процессе тестирования
Abstract classes for a given-then-when testing approach
基于 Reface.AppStarter 单元测试
Simplifies testing by automatically selecting the appropriate input data for a given test case.
A assertion extensions of FluentResults for Nut.Results

TestBase – Rich, fluent assertions and tools for testing with heavyweight dependencies: AspNetCore, AdoNet, HttpClient, AspNet.Mvc, Streams, Logging
*TestBase* gives you a flying start with
- fluent assertions that are easy to extend
- sharp error messages
- tools to help you test with “heavyweight” dependencies on
- AspNetCore.Mvc, AspNet.Mvc or WebApi Contexts
- HttpClient
- Ado.Net
- Streams & Logging
- Mix & match with your favouri...
Method Chaining base UnitTesting Extension Methods and Dynamic Private Accessor for
[DEPRECATED] Please use the "ChainingAssertion-MSTest.Bin" package instead. Now, this package is a metadata-only package and just redirects to the "ChainingAssertion-MSTest.Bin". / Method Chaining base UnitTesting Extension Methods and Dynamic Private Accessor for MSTest.
Create objects for testing purpose in a fluent and easy way.
Method Chaining base UnitTesting Extensions for MSTest V2
Method Chaining base UnitTesting Extensions for 2.2+
Common code for all SignalR.UnitTestingSupport.* nugets . If you want support for unit testing signalR core (Hub and IHubContext) use one of this packages (NUnit, xUnit, MsTest version):,
Nuget package to enable JavaScript and TypeScript unit testing in ASP.NET Core projects.