Top 20 NuGet unittest Packages
Adds similar namespaces, types, attributes, and assertions as Xunit for easily transitioning from Xunit to MSTest.
Provides a data source for a data method, with the data coming from a property, a field, a method (with parameters), a class, or simply inlined data. Simply apply the AdvancedDataTestMethod and MemberDataMethod/ClassData/InlineData attributes on the method.
Collection of test tools and libraries. Collection of test tools and references to other packages and libraries that I use for my test cases.
.NET Unit test helpers for asserting that exceptions were / weren't thrown, and for "scenario tests".
Ludicrously lightweight dependency wrapper/provider to improve testability of classes that use dependencies that aren't easily mockable (e.g. System.DateTime).

TestBase – Rich, fluent assertions and tools for testing with heavyweight dependencies: AspNetCore, AdoNet, HttpClient, AspNet.Mvc, Streams, Logging
*TestBase* gives you a flying start with
- fluent assertions that are easy to extend
- sharp error messages
- tools to help you test with “heavyweight” dependencies on
- AspNetCore.Mvc, AspNet.Mvc or WebApi Contexts
- HttpClient
- Ado.Net
- Streams & Logging
TestBase.Mvc is renamed ...
.NET Unit test helpers for validation with DataAnnotations
A .NET library for writing easy-to-read tests with MSTest.
Moq extension methods and syntax helpers used by SparkyTestHelpers.Moq and SparkyTestHelpers.Moq.Fluent

FixtureBase cuts the cost of unit testing. Intelligent, rule-driven, autofaking fixtures get you straight to your test with all your dependencies setup and ready to go.
Don't spend hours writing code to mock a dozen dependencies, and more hours debugging it. Just write your test code, and let FixtureBase create the dependencies for you.
FixtureBase constructs your UnitUnderTest to test your codebase end-to-end, with external dependencies auto-faked and automatical...
FakeHttpMessageHandler seamlessly fakes http request sent from System.Net.Http.HttpClient for purpose of unit testing code that previously could only be integration tested.
Mocklis is a library and source code generator for .net, targeted at generating test doubles from interfaces. This is a meta-package referencing both the library and the code generator.
Contains CDS Unit Testing Library
A fluent assertions library that performs full coverage on enumerable types.
A library aimed to minimize the setup of Entity Framework Core unit-testing database providers in conjunction with AutoFixture.
Extensions for VisualStudio UnitTest's Assert class to simplify e.g. testing of view models.
Simple http stub server for unit test.