Top 20 NuGet tracing Packages

Adds OpenTracing instrumentation for .NET Standard apps that use GRPC.
Provides a diagnostics observer for Hot Chocolate.
OpenTelemetry protocol exporter for OpenTelemetry .NET
KissLog package. Contains all the necessary components used for logging. Install this package on all the projects. logger for Azure Functions and WebJobs
PostSharp.Patterns.Diagnostics: support for Log4Net.
Redistributable components for package 'PostSharp.Patterns.Diagnostics'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Recommended Google client library to access the Google Cloud Trace V2 API, which sends and retrieves trace data from Google Cloud Trace. Data is generated and available by default for all App Engine applications. Data from other applications can be written to Cloud Trace for display, reporting, and ...
Provides abstractions for the session.
PostSharp.Patterns.Diagnostics: support for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.
OpenTracing compliant tracer for LightStep.
PostSharp.Patterns.Diagnostics: support for Trace, TraceSource and EventSource.
StackExchange.Redis instrumentation for OpenTelemetry .NET.
Client package for
Motor.NET is a microservice framework based on Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.
PostSharp.Patterns.Diagnostics: support for Serilog.
Zipkin exporter for OpenCensus
ASP.NET instrumentation for OpenTelemetry .NET.
log4net appender for