Top 20 NuGet tracing Packages
Suave plugin to use Serilog as the logger for your application
Trace.Fody is an ILWeaver which adds trace enter and leave log entries to methods. Besides it rewrites static log calls to
instance calls adding method information to the call in order to avoid costly stack walks in the logger. This is a general rewriter which can be adapted to different logging...
PowerShell tools for various tasks implemented as scripts, mostly standalone.
Serilog adapter for Tracer.Fody which is an ILWeaver adding trace enter and leave log entries to methods. This adapter redirects trace logs and
all other log calls to Serilog.
Azure SiteExtension to trace applications on App-Services
FastTracker ASP.NET Agent. based on Skywalking, Elastic Apm, Application Insight and Jaeger.
Provides logging abstraction and multi-destination routing.
Google Cloud Trace exporter for DKX.Tracer
Simplest way to listen and collect events for .Net/.Net Core applications.
FastTracker ASP.NET Core Agent.
A provider that allows tracing Entity Framework queries and updates.
Enable tracing to log entries in the OWIN pipeline.
OWIN Keys/Types can be included/ignored.
Filters can be supplied so tracing occurs when all filter conditions are matched.
Log format, type format, log action can be globally set whilst type format and log actions can be set individually for each t...
KISS .NET logging library
NLog adapter for Tracer.Fody (which is an ILWeaver adding trace enter and leave log entries to methods). This adapter offers trace and static logging calls and changes them
to calls to NLog.
Reference implementation of OpenTracing API
We've added support for the Enterprise Library Logging adapter. This allows you to leverage your current investment in EntLib, but leverage the power and flexibility of the ReflectInsight Viewer. A special benefit in this extension as it will parse and display XML message in proper syntax.
In order...
Provides an input implementation for capturing diagnostics data from Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) providers.
A framework for resilient coding. The framework provides: basic logging, statistics, forensic logging (and tracing) and exception management (retry policies).
A framework for resilient coding. The framework provides: basic logging, statistics, forensic logging (and tracing) and exception management (retry policies).