Top 20 NuGet tools Packages

Dotnet linux cert helper: Install and list PKCS#12 certificates for *nix system
Templates to use when creating an macro for COWI Tools Assistant in Autodesk Revit.
Ding.Turing是基于.net core平台开发的应用框架中的图灵机器人类库。
This library provides XAML islands common helpers applications. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit.
My package description.
Two abstract classes for building enumeration types without evil enums
Localization service based on interfaces that contains properties for localizable strings.
A tool to generate ascii graphs, based on Graph::Easy.
DotNetTool for scaffolding clean architecture commands and queries along with their test stubs according to the structure of the application presented in NorhwindTraders database on GitHub by architect Jason Taylor.
.Net Standard Helpers
Includes library which allows to attach NetRx.Store Monitor tool to an application at a runtime
Extension methods for randomize data.
Null and empty string check extension methods
.NET Core tool for checking sql server availability