Top 20 NuGet tools Packages

Microsoft Kinect Tools runtime.
ILMerge.Tools repackages Microsoft's ILMerge into a NuGet package that includes the original files in the tools directory instead of as content. The files included in this package are the identical files that are included in the official ILMerge NuGet package of the same version. ILMerge is a utili...
ILMerge.Tools.MSBuildToolTask is a simple MSBuild task that wraps the ILMerge.exe command-line tool. Unlike other ILMerge MSBuild tasks,ILMerge.Tools.MSBuildToolTask is decoupled from the ILMerge assembly which means it does not reference it nor does it load it in-process. Instead, it executes ILMer...
A library that provides validation capabilities for WinForms controls. Fluent, customizable and easily expandable
A set of classes and functions to ease our daily .Net development tasks.
A parser of Redis MONITOR output.
Tools for Xamarin.Android.
Graphene Tools to help migrate from Mongo to SQL other utility classes
Add some extensions and tools to .NET
Throttlebird is a simple Http request throttler to help limit the number of client requests within a given period of time.
This package contains the SharePoint Client Side Object Model libraries for 2013 (on-premises)
A small toolbox - primarily used personally :)
A C# bootstrapper / task runner that helps you keep your tasks with your code.
The types contained in this library can be used to create EventStore plugins. Those plugins can be loaded and run using EventStore.Tools.ServiceHost service
sw² Core Library for the .net platform
PowerShell module for publishing another module's help system as a website.
sw² LINQPad Library