Top 20 NuGet tools Packages

SignalR Simplified Extension
Collection of simple helper classes, which are usable in nearly every .NET project.
An all-in-one helper library containing a set of useful extension methods and helper classes. Intended to augment the .NET standard library and adds some classes that should have been included with the standard library.
Just one another toolset of MonoGame components and extensions.
ActionCommand - реализация ICommand
Provides the core problem solver abstraction for use with Google OR-tools Constraint Solver and Linear Solver wrappers.
Generates a .nuspec file for a NuGet tools package from a Visual Studio 2017 console app project.
Axis.Luna contains utils/helpers for everyday activities, as well as the Operation Libray.
Small lib with a just a few Convinince methods to help avoid boiler plate code.
Essential tools and services for everyday projects
Common tools for .NET Core applications
Ling wherif,stringTojson等等的工具类
See: for details.
aquirrel base lib. tools
Ling wherif,stringTojson等等的工具类
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Object Tools