Top 20 NuGet tcp Packages

A (very simple) TCP server which you can use from within a testing environment or, if you're really ambitious, for some other reason.
HealthChecks.Network is the health check package for network services.
Transport model in DotNetty
General purpose codecs for DotNetty
Application handlers for DotNetty
Rebex.Networking provides TLS/SSL, SSH and proxy support to Rebex libraries. This is a paid commercial product with a free 30-day trial: - Trial mode: Start your free 30-day trial by generating your trial key at - Licensed mode: Purchase the product at http...
Buffer management in DotNetty
DotNetty common routines
ADS (TCP) Router implementation. This package can be used for ADS router functionality on targets that doesn't run TwinCAT Installations to communicate to local and remote ADS targets.
.Net Framework Supported: .Net Framework 2.0+ .Net Core 2.0+ .Net 6.0+ .Net 7.0+ .Net 8.0+ .Net 9.0+ Platform supported: Windows 7+ x86/x64 Linux kernel 2.6.32+ x86/x64/arm/arm64 mac OS 10.12+ x64/arm64 Raspberry Pi 4B Loongnix loongArch64 20.5+ (ABI1.0 the old world) (HP-Socket for Windows & Linux...
The WebAPI Client Service assembly for Allie.Chat, an RSS messaging and routing platform to consolidate messages from multiple providers including Twitch, Discord, Websocket and Tcp.
The server module for a simple SSL or non-SSL Tcp Server with authentication.
A simple C# async TCP server and client with integrated framing for reliable transmission and receipt of data
MQTT codec for DotNetty
Wire protocol messaging implementations, such as with full-duplex TCP and UDP multicast, using vlingo/actors.
The core module for a simple SSL or non-SSL async await Tcp Server and Client with authentication. This package is used by both Tcp.NET.Client and Tcp.NET.Server.
The server and client modules for a simple SSL or non-SSL Tcp Server with authentication.
Library of components for managing standard and TLS asynchronous TCP/UDP/Multicast client/server connections, as well as serial and file-based communication in a client/server interface based abstraction layer.
OpenPop.NET is an open source implementation of a POP3 client and a robust MIME parser written in C#. It allows developers easy access to email on a POP3 server in a matter of minutes. The project is backed by several hundred test cases and is therefore believed to be very robust. ...