Top 20 NuGet table Packages

C#/.Net building blocks supporting implementation of the repository and unit of work patterns for Azure Table.
Support for store functions (table valued functions, scalar user defined functions and stored procedures) for Entity Framework Classic Code First.
Azure Table Storage is one of the cheapest storage mechanisms available nowadays. You can now use this storage environment for your IdentityServer setup.
Library to download the data from the fipe table through FIPE WebAPI.
Azure table storage target implementation for NLog. A fork of harouny's project in github. Supports customizing partition and row keys with macros. For example, you can specify ${longdate}_${guid} in the target "RowKey" property to have your key be made up of a long date/time string and ...
EventStore on Azure Table/Blob Storage with custom bindings for Azure Functions
!!! Note that this package will no longer be updated with the package name 'wastorage.v120' after version 4.0.0. The package is renamed to 'Microsoft.Azure.Storage.CPP.v120' !!! The new package can be found in: This clie...
This package is part of the Azure Mobile .NET Server SDK and contains features for integrating with Azure Table Storage. To learn more about Azure Mobile, go to
This client library enables working with the Windows Azure storage services which include the blob service for storing binary and text data, the table service for storing structured non-relational data, and the queue service for storing messages that may be accessed by a client. For this release se...
This table extension library provides support for strong entity types (POCOs), generic queries, reflection based serialization and the EntityResolver for languages other than JavaScript when developing Windows Store Apps. For this release see notes -
Expand table rows with jQuery - jExpand plugin. Though developed for an earlier version of jQuery/UI it still works with 1.7.*
Bootstrap-table is a javascript plugin that makes it easy to add extended row information (by clicking on a row) in HTML tables with the help of Twitter Bootstrap.
.NET Framework data provder intended to allow developers to write ADO.NET code against Windows Azure Table Storage.
An extension to the .NET SDK for Windows Azure Storage which adds a triple store abstraction over Table Storage.
An index for storing multiple values against a key, using table storage.
A C# Server side component for the popuplar jQuery datatables plugin
An easy to implement jQuery extension that simplifies adding both horizontal and vertical scrolling with static header and footer to any html table. It will automatically (and reactively) size to it's parent container, or a given set of dimensions.
Azure Table Storage implementation for the Zelda IRepository project.
A jQuery plugin to add a floating header on table when its header is not visible. Live Demo:
A trace listener designed to run on an on-premesis machine, which will write trace information in batches to a table in Windows Azure Table Storage.