Top 20 NuGet t4 Packages

This T4 template was based on the orginal work of J Wynia from his blog post at
Generates POCO templates based on the original template generator provided by PetaPoco
Builds TypeScripts DataModels which map to EF code-first data models. Just point the application at your namespace, and it generates them all. It omits KeyAttribute and Timestamp properties from the class, but keeps them so you can call toJS or update(data) to update your model with the server. ...
Multiple enumeration generation based on lookup tables
TDS T4 templates for generating template classes for the Sitecore ItemBinding Framework
Samples for T4.TemplateFileManager and T4.VsAutomationHelper Please report bugs or feature requests on github:
Configuration class generator for app.config and web.config appsettings and connectionStrings.
Adds T4 templates used to generate trackable entity classes from a database using Entity Framework Power Tools or EF 6.x Tools for Visual Studio.
Adds T4 templates used to generate trackable entity classes from a database using Entity Framework Power Tools or EF 6.x Tools for Visual Studio.
Adds T4 templates used to generate trackable entity classes from a database using Entity Framework Power Tools or EF 6.x Tools for Visual Studio.
Adds T4 templates used to generate trackable entity classes from a database using Entity Framework Power Tools or EF 6.x Tools for Visual Studio.
Adds T4 templates used to generate trackable entity classes from a database using Entity Framework Power Tools or EF 6.x Tools for Visual Studio.
Render T4 files in C#
T4WebFormsInjection is a T4 template that generates parameterless constructors to be used with constructor injection.
WuffProjects.CodeGeneration is a powerful and easy to use C# code generation framework.
A cross-platform msbuild/xbuild task for transforming T4 templates.
Until Microsoft publishes an official package for Visual Studio 2015 TextTemplating (v14). This package provides the build support to allow you to use T4.
Contains the T4's required by to generate test classes that can execute tSQLt tests during TFS build.
A dynamically generated class to help make using Emojis in C# a bit easier.