Top 20 NuGet t4 Packages
AOP Alternative to T4. Autocomplete classes with macros with the help of Roslyn
Commandline T4 text transformation tool.
This package can be installed as a dotnet global tool.
For the project-installable `DotNetCliToolReference` version, see `dotnet-t4-project-tool`.
For the app-embeddable engine, see `Mono.TextTemplating`.
Provides contructs that aid in T4 Templating.
T4 generator extension class for merge SQL script files into one
Use your SQL in .sql files instead of strings in C#.
Boilerplate for using Roslyn within T4 text templates. You can generate code depending on code of current project. See for example.
Sql server metadata loader (talbles/columns). Metadata can use for T4 class generator
With the T4.FileManager you can define into which files T4 generates your code. You are no longer bound to the default behaviour of T4 that generates all the code of the “” template into a single “example.cs” file. Now you can split your code into the files you want: