Top 20 NuGet state Packages

XComponent Runtime Community Edition. Unleash the power of microservices.
XComponent GeneratorApi Community Edition. Unleash the power of microservices.
XComponent Core Community Edition. Unleash the power of microservices.
XComponent Bridge Community Edition. Unleash the power of microservices.
LeadPipe.Net is a collection of useful types, patterns, and extensions. These include a guarding type, tracking observable collection, command mediator, poller, and finite state machine. LeadPipe.Net is an open source collection of useful tools for .NET development. Read more about the ...
Source Only Package - Evented State Processor (ESP) adds specific processing workflow around changes to a model's state
FSharp library which implements the functional control monads such State, Reader, Writer.
- Timezone / TZ types for easily getting a `TimeZoneInfo` from a TZ identifer. - World countries enum and a U.S. and Canada states enum, with GeoNames helper (with helper dictionaries on country / state names, etc), and so forth.
Observable StateTree.Proxy library for Blazor
A concurrency and state library for .NET, shines in net call services.
A MediatR pipeline for Blazor state management - Fork of with custom changes
Reactive-Redux is a predictable state container for .NET apps. Modified from Guillaume Salles
Observable StateTree.JsonSchema library for Blazor
Workflow Engine based on State Machine
A .NET library that provides Nigerian based location data list and info such as States and Local Government Areas
Evented State Processor (ESP) adds specific processing workflow around changes to a model's state
Staty is a smart state-machine for .NET. Written as C# portable class library (PCL), Staty comes as an expressive event-driven state-machine with features like concurrence-safety, external and interal events, separate classes per state, entry and exit actions and a fluent syntax to configure the sta...
Contains interfaces and classes for real-time computer graphics and games.
Provides support to persist workflows running on Workflow Core to a MySQL database.