Top 20 NuGet ssl Packages
Tool to generate a new free Let's Encrypt certificate for specifis domains.
You must install it manually in Azure (go to your [App Service / TLS/SSL settings] section.
The generated certificate will be store in a ./store folder.
Tool that will check ssllabs score api and cert expiration when provided a list of hosts.
Extras for Ceen
Dotnet tool for Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) protocol, powered by Certes. Fixed http-01 challenge.
A simple HTTP library that works
OpenSSL library, packaged for Visual Studio 2019 (vc142). Compiler: Visual Studio 2019 16.5.4.
Native and Third Part Software mail client
Tecnosoftware components are free to use, developed by qualified teams, with no use limitation and unlimited number of installations.
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Provides tools for signing a key with a predefined template