Top 20 NuGet ssl Packages

Load an X509Certificate2 instance from certificate and key .pem files. This allows you to easily use certificates generated by cert-manager in a Kubernetes cluster.
Stable Release of an Async Client Server implementation supporting Ssl. See for more info.
HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is a proposed web security policy mechanism where a web server declares that complying user agents (such as a web browser) are to interact with it using secure connections only (such as HTTPS). Originally published by Sacha Faust on his blog. http://blogs.msdn...
Convenient and easy-to-use TCP library for .NET 4.5 with optional SSL encryption.
A security package to allow an attribute to be set on controller methods to allow debugging over non SSL connections locally, but ensuring when the code goes to a live environment SSL connections are required.
AltarNet3 (or AN3 for short) is a library that facilitate the creation of TCP servers/clients, along with UDP. TCP connections can be secured via SSL, with only a few easy steps. It comes with a powerful FTP manager, taking advantage of .NET 4.5's new asynchronous pattern (Async/Await), featuring c...
An HttpMessageHandler that lets you use the Windows Runtime IHttpFilter
Socket with integrated support to SSL/TLS. This is a work in progress. Please contribute.
WebSocket Proxy acts as gateway for HTTP and WebSocket servers
FTPS library for .NET Core - use at your own risk
This is a helper package for custom program solution.
Nequeo OpenSSL wrapper component
Transparent SSL Offloading support for IIS applications made with a custom HTTP Module.
C++ Nuget for OpenSSL 1.1.0g built as static libs for VC140. Linked as /MD
Mail SSL Protocol Client Component Tecnosoftware components are free to use, developed by qualified teams, with no use limitation and unlimited number of installations. If you wish to support Tecnosoftware components development or simply make a donation, please visit https://bit....
Stable Release of an Async Client Server implementation supporting Ssl. See for more info.