Top 20 NuGet ssl Packages

TcpClient with SSL support for Windows Phone. Provides SSL Socket support to Windows Phone.
This is the first publicly available .NET wrapper developed for Qualys SSL Labs Assessment API's that allow the consumer to test SSL servers on the public internet. This wrapper easies the communication to the API's for .NET developers which allows you as the developer to focus on your project rath...
OWIN/Katana Middleware to enforce SSL / https using configurable port and httpstatuscode using http redirect
CamoDotNet is all about making insecure assets look secure. This is an SSL image proxy to prevent mixed content warnings on secure pages. Package contains server-side code.
Nequeo OpenSSL client component
Warden watcher for SSL certificates
Model-View-Controller package for Ceen.Httpd
Umbraco Package: Supports a mail cache and SSL / SMIME for .NET SmtpClient. For SMIME the package uses a derivation of Cpi.Net.SecureMail by Pete Everett (
Allows your owin app return content from ./well-known folder of your app in order to obtain SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt service can be used to create clients for the ACME (Automatic Certificate Management Environment) protocol.
Login and security package for Ceen.Httpd
Core Transaction related functions for SslCommerze payment gateway in Bangladesh
Protoacme is a .NET Core 2.1 ACME client that leverages the ACME protocol from Lets Encrypt to issue and renew SSL certificates. This Api leverages the v2 endpoints from Lets Encrypt. Currently wildcard certificates are supported by the Lets Encrypt v2 endpoint but are not currently working through ...
Database and ORM support for Ceen.Httpd
Core Transaction related functions for SslCommerze payment gateway in Bangladesh