Top 20 NuGet solutions Packages

DataRepository base classes using Entity Framework Code-First.
DataRepository base classes using Entity Framework Code-First for MS SQL.
Provides base functionalities for Stems APIs
A xrmtoolbox plugin for Dynamic365 Customer engagement to create new cloud powerautomate workflows using common/shared data service connectors and add it to selected crm solution. Also flow created are subject to crm solution only not [MYFlows].Please note this tool works only with only oauth and ce...
Transfer solutions across organizations
Has own Visual Studio Addin for easier use. Small size. Capture Business-use-cases and convert it into a modular, highly testable chunk of codes. One step closer to dissecting & migrating monolithic apps. Provides a common ground for projects with large number of developers. A combination of Command...
Official Library for Solutions The Library contains the main operations, data, utilities and Base forms for the Solutions. It's build using Visual Studio 2017, C# 7.0 and .Net framework 4.6.1 .
Official Library for Solutions The Library contains the main operations, data, utilities and Base forms for the Solutions. It's build using Visual Studio 2017, C# 7.0 and .Net framework 4.6.1 . Please use it SmartLife Solutions team :)
The SDK provides an easy to use interface into the Sporting Solutions Unified Data API. Usage of this SDK requires a GTP username and password (available on request), it's usage is authorised only for current or prospective clients.
1. Retrieve Solutions 2. Make a Copy of Solution 3. Delete Solution 4. Export Solution to folder 5. Export Solution list to excel (This option not supported in plugin download from XrmToolBox, go to project URL to download that plugin with this option) 6. Publish All Customization.
ControllerBase for WebApi CRUD operations.
.NET client implementation of the Stems Accounts API
An XActLib assembly: a library to provide datastorage of XAct.Scheduling entities.
Create your modular architecture using PipelineFramework via Mef.
Mef DependencyResolver for WebApi.
Contains CheckBoxFor(an alternative for RememberMe checkbox in MVC scaffolding) and IsActive(for keeping the active controller in-sync with the header menu).
A CLI tool used for generating solution files.
Navi-Tech solutions core web
Navi-Tech solutions core services