Top 20 NuGet services Packages

This library allows you to easily generate scoped SAS tokens for resources such as Azure Storage.
HostR is a hosting framework for developers. It allows you to quickly host and manage services.
Common configuration, helper and abstraction classes used by other TestEasy packages
Provides the means to consume Liferay Portal's core and plugins remote services
This client library enables client applications using Windows Azure Mobile Services to enable offline workflows using a backing SQLite Database. For more information, check out DEPRECATED: Azure Mobile Services is now deprecated in favor of Azure Mobile Apps. T...
This package will ensure that the 'ProviderServices' msi for MS Sync Framework is installed, and it will then add references to the necessary assemblies: Microsoft.Synchronization.Files.dll, Microsoft.Synchronization.MetadataStorage.dll, Microsoft.Synchronization.SimpleProviders.dl...
SystemHell is a simple framework which provide you the possibility to make very quickly some Windows services easly testable and configurable.
Makes debugging windows services super easy! Adds a small WPF application which allows you to run the service from Visual Studio without installing the service. See for more information
RRP Client for .NET 2.0
Set of abstraction classes for AdomdClient
This package contains the project references needed to build a .NET web service based on WS-Biometric Devices, NIST Specification 500-288 v1.0.
Service client for the suite of services provided by Greenheck.
Simple rest client
DataServices Core Assembly
The Auth Helper tool enables NuGet clients to connect to Visual Studio Team Services Package Management NuGet feeds by acquiring and securely storing Personal Access Tokens for each VSTS package source in a nuget.config file.
The NuGet Bootstrapper provides a set of tools and scripts that makes it easy to set up a development environment that uses VSTS Package Management NuGet feeds. Much like the "Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt" makes it easy to interact with MSBuild, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.NuGet.Bo...