Top 20 NuGet services Packages

Common library for calling ArcGIS web services.
A set of boilerplate code libraries that facilitate implementation of S.O.L.I.D principles in .Net solutions
A class for consuming HTTP REST web services, including calling GET, POST, PUT and DELETE operations.
Microsoft Cognitive Services Text Analytics API Client Library
Making it easier to call *All* the Cognitive Services Text Analytics APIs.
Generic windows services hoster
OpenRiaServices.Signed.OData provides the OpenRiaServices.DomainServices.Hosting.OData assembly, which provides the read only OData endpoint for Domain Services. The necessary web.config entries are added with this package as well. This assembly is not under active development, f...
An Api for developing against Target Process' Restful services.
A fody plugin that allows the usage of async methods returning Task in old-style .asmx web services.
.NET Core 2.0 registration mechanism to mark and auto register components into IServiceCollection.
Unity integration for AppFunc
StructureMap integration for AppFunc
SimpleInjector integration for AppFunc
Autofac integration for AppFunc
Sql-based offline store for use with Microsoft Azure Mobile Services offline sync support.
SqlCe-based offline store for use with Microsoft Azure Mobile Services offline sync support.
C# library to allow you to sync QnA items to the Microsoft QnA Maker service from anywhere. Implemented for v3 of the QnA Maker Service, the library allows you to build up a list of QnAItems (for example you might have existing FAQ pages in your CMS or in a CRM system) and sync them with the QnA Ma...
User settings management service for Signal2GO
This provides a client side tools for Dependency Injection
This provides a server side implementation of EntityFramework using versionned entities and tracking changes