Top 20 NuGet services Packages

RIAServices.EF4 provides the LinqToEntitiesDomainService<T> class which can be used to create Domain Service classes for use with an ObjectContext from Entity Framework 4.0. This package can be used in place of a GAC reference to the System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.EntityFramework assembly, maki...
RIAServices.Silverlight.DomainDataSource provides the DomainDataSource control for Silverlight, providing a declarative model for binding UI controls to a DomainContext. This package can be used instead of adding references from the WCF RIA Services MSI installation.
Lightweight HTTP Services Library using DuoVia.Net.
Bottle services
Client library for OWIN-based lightweight services .NET.
ServiceProxy.Redis is a simple request/reply messaging framework built on Redis queues that support service contracts using ServiceProxy and the StackExchange.Redis library.
Extendable wrappers and abstractions over web servers (IIS, IISExpress or custom)
NuGet API wrappers simplifying nuget package management in websites at runtime
A library supporting the implementation of serviced APIs.
Open RIA Services Contrib - Entity Tools
OpenRiaServices.Signed.LinqToSql provides the LinqToSqlDomainService<T> class which can be used to create Domain Service classes for use with a DataContext class from Linq to Sql.
Note: This is just an alias for the new OpenRiaServices.Signed.Client package in order to make upgrading easy.
Note: This is just an alias for the new OpenRiaServices.Signed.Client.Core package in order to make upgrading easy.
OpenRiaServices.Signed.Silverlight.DomainDataSource provides the DomainDataSource control for Silverlight, providing a declarative model for binding UI controls to a DomainContext.
OpenRiaServices.Signed.UnitTesting provides a DomainServiceTestHost that can be used to unit test your Domain Services.
Toolkit for client apps that uses Azure Mobile Services.
OpenRiaServices.Signed.Silverlight.ComboBoxExensions are a direct port of OpenRiaServices.ComboBoxExtensions.
OpenRiaServices.Silverlight.ComboBoxExensions are a direct port of OpenRiaServices.ComboBoxExtensions.
Simit Wrapper of Amazon Web Services (AWS) Library