Top 20 NuGet server Packages
NFX CORE Package
NFX UNISTACK includes:
Application Container + Dependency Injection facilities
Configuration engine
BigMemory: Local/Distributed piles/heaps, ability to store hundreds of millions of objects resident in memory for long times without killing GC
BigMemory Cache - sto...
A class library which provides a framework for communicating with SQL Server
Make server application fluently
Unit test data population tool.
The required development libraries to access the API offered by the Grand Theft Multiplayer Platform.
Put Selenium Server Standalone jar in your output folder.
SQL Server repository for DataProtection keys
A class library which provides a framework for communicating with database stored procedures.
Identity for OIDC based on Skoruba IdentityServer4 Admin custom impl
Implementation of SqlRepoEx ORM for Lambda Turn to No SQL dialect statement
Provides an extension method for registering SqlRepoEx components in IoC container using Microsoft Dependency Injection (Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection)。SqlRepoEx Provides Lambda Turn to Full SQL statement(Select,Union,Join etc.) 。
Provides an Autofac module to simplify the registration of components in IoC。SqlRepoEx Provides Lambda Turn to Full SQL statement(Select,Union,Join etc.) 。
Simple Query. ORM Very Easy to use. All CRUD operations. Dapper and ORM in the same place
Lightweight and highly scalable asynchronous WebSocket listener, compilant with the official RFC6455 specification. It supports async/await operations, SSL/TLS (wss://), message compression, customizable HTTP negotiation, built-in keep-alive, latency control, partial frames and have several extensib...
SuperSocket is a light weight, cross platform and extensible socket server application framework. You can use it to build a server side socket application (like game server, GPS server, industrial control system, data acquisition server etc) easily without thinking about how to use socket, how to ma...
BeatPulse.SqlServer is the health check package for SqlServer on BeatPulse
A server-side library for .NET that extends WebSync to use Azure Caching as a backend message hub for horizontal scaling. (Community Edition)
EntityFramework + SqlCe adapter for Antler framework.
An asynchronous job scheduling server.
An advanced application framework designed to make enterprise apps development simple, featuring enterprise data access patterns such as generic repositories, query definitions, user management, authentication, security, push notifications, and more. For the server data access counterpart, please in...