Top 20 NuGet serilog Packages

Creates a digest event of a event types unique field value for a defined time intervall.
Serilog IUpgradeLog Implementation
Serilog logger for NDomain, an extensible DDD CQRS ES framework.
Serilog sink for the Disruptor-net.Metrics library
Serilog logging adapter for ServiceStack
Package Description
Sends passive checks to Nagios using the NSCA protocol.
A Serilog plugin for the HoneyBear.Spy logging library.
Writes armed/disarmed events after the specified periods have elapsed for events. Each event starts it's own switch.
Create incidents in PagerDuty from Seq entries
An app for Seq ( that forwards messages to ServiceNow.
Serilog telemetry consumer for Orleans
RequestLogger that can be used with Serilog.
A library for unit testing Serilog log events in concurrent testing frameworks.
Configure sourcecontext specific log levels for serilog
Automatic trace logging through Serilog that is instrumented by Unity.Interception.
Common.Logging library bindings for Serilog 1.5.14 logging framework.
Extensions.Logging.ListOfString logs to a list of string so you can test your logging : ``` ILoggerFactory factory=new LoggerFactory.AddProvider(new StringListLoggerProvider()) ILogger logger= factory.CreateLogger("Test1"); ...tests... ; StringListLogger.Instance .LoggedLines .ShouldContain(...
Implements the logging interfaces of Affecto.Logging package using Serilog.
Common loggers