Top 20 NuGet serilog Packages

Package Description
The InfluxDB app for Seq ( sends the events to InfluxDB.
dnx based Serilog sink for Syslog based on SyslogNet.Client-dnx
Provides Autofac registration for the Serilog plugin for the HoneyBear.Spy logging library.
The file archive app for Seq ( writes incoming events to a set rolling disc files as json for long-term archival storage. This package supports Seq 3.3+.
This is a .NETStandard 1.6 version of the ServiceStack.Logging.Serilog lib.
This is a rolling file sink that is an extension to Serilog.Sinks.RollingFileAlternate that allows you to easily configure async, log file prefix, and formatters. Including the ability to specify renderMessage to the JsonFormatter. Note that this project does not replace RollingFileAlternate, rath...
An app for Seq ( that forwards messages to Telegram.
An app for Seq ( that forwards messages to Discord.
Marte sink for Serilog
A simple HTTP notifier for Seq
Nancy plugin for application-wide logging using Serilog
Serilog integration for the Opeartions framework
Customizable sink for Serilog that will post detailed messages and their properties to a RabbitMQ exchange.
AspNetCore middleware to push TraceIdentifiers to Serilog LogContext
Setup: on startup.cs: app-->IApplicationBuilder app.UseMiddleware(typeof(LogExceptionHandlingMiddleware)); LogConfiguration.ConfigureLog(strring ApplicationPath); Use the following configuration: "Log": { "File": { "LogFolder": "Logs", "LogFile": "log-{0}.txt" }, "Sqlit...
Serilog libraries for GranDen.Orleans.NetCoreGenericHost.CommonLib