Top 20 NuGet serilog Packages

LibLog for lower c# version.
Serilog sink that writes to console with high-performance non-blocking output.
A filter for aggregating Serilog log entries
Visual Studio solution template for Web Api .NET Core 2.2 solutions with Dapper ORM and FluentMigrator.
Serilog Sink for AppCenter Exception Logging
Software library that manages common delivery functions that are needed in software delivery projects. This library manages the integration of logging into core applications that uses the Serilog framework.
Serilog Sink for Loupe for .NET Standard. Add Loupe.Serilog.Core to your project to route Serilog messages to Loupe.
Serilog extensions for the McGuireV10.GenericHostBuilderLogger package.
Software library that manages common delivery functions that are needed in software delivery projects. This library manages the integration of logging into core applications that uses the Serilog framework.
Makes it easier to use Hangfire.Console with serilog
Serilog helper methods, properties, objects etc.
[33171] https://svnserver:8443/svn/mass/trunk/Wattle3/
A Serilog sink that writes events to Graylog synchroniously or asynchroniously, utilizing different transports that also works with .NET Core
Allows to configure log level of an Serilog.ILogger at runtime.
An app for Seq ( that forwards messages to HipChat.
The Ducksboard app for Seq ( pushes data from Seq into Ducksboard (
Writes a timeout event after a specified time period has elapsed, unless received any event resetting the timer.
This integration library adds support for LibLog to MassTransit. LibLog enables dependency free logging. It contains transparent builtin support for NLog, Log4Net, EntLib Logging and SeriLog or allows the user to define a custom provider. Works with .NET 4 and higher.
Logary is a high performance, multi-target logging, metric and health-check library for mono and .Net.