Top 20 NuGet selenium Packages

Language parser.
Connector for Gurock TestRail and Jira for bugs management.
OpenKeyWord (OKW) is a generic framework for keyword-driven GUI Tests.
This package contains .NET helper classes to make the creation of Selenium tests easier. It contains a Connector class that supports various initializations of the Driver. It also contains a utility class to assist in working with elements.
Selenium.WedDriver.Equip is a group of highly useful functionality not currently in Selenium.WebDriver. Extension of the Selenium WebDriver project. These API's are geared to make writing tests and code quicker and easier.
Test class generator to drive automated web ui tests with Selenium and SpecFlow 2.1.0. Works with BroswerStack, SauceLabs, TestingBot and any WebDriver grid. Based on Baseclass.Contrib.SpecFlow.Selenium.NUnit.
Test class generator to drive automated web ui tests with Selenium and SpecFlow 2.4 Works with BrowserStack, SauceLabs, TestingBot, CrossbrowserTesting and any WebDriver grid. Based on Baseclass.Contrib.SpecFlow.Selenium.NUnit.
Trumpf.Coparoo.Web is a .NET library for C# that helps you write fast, maintainable, robust and fluent web tests based on the control/page/root-object (Coparoo) pattern.
Package Description
An enhancement to WebDriver class to add more functionalities
A utility pack to create maintainanle UI test for ASP.NET MVC projects using Selenium
Microsoft WebDriver : Close the loop on your developer cycle by automating testing of your website in Microsoft Edge with Microsoft WebDriver.
C#/.NET package for Atata configuration through JSON files. The package targets .NET Standard 2.0, which supports .NET 5+, .NET Framework 4.6.1+ and .NET Core/Standard 2.0+. Atata.Configuration.Json on GitHub: Atata Framework documentatio...
A collection of utility methods for Selenium Webdriver
You will be able to manipulate ChromiumWebBrowser. This library is built on Friendly Layer.
Implementation for Web Automation using Selenium
Static HTML Reporter.
A stable, simple selenium framework for building DRY, well organized automated tests. Page Components are a continuation of the page object model. They represent small, reusable blocks of application logic that can be pieced together into larger page objects. They essentially act as a middle laye...
Automatic Selenium WebDriver binaries management for .Net (built for .NET Framework 4.6.2, which supports .NET Standard 2).
Client libraries for TestRail