Top 20 NuGet selenium Packages
Custom plugin to generate nunit test to support multiple browser configuration on browser stack using TestStack Seleno
An extension to Tellurium.MvcPages pack that allows to create test assertions based on webpage screenshots
A sister package to canopy for integration tests.
API that facilitates writing WebDriver-based interaction tests for qx.Desktop and qx.Mobile applications by abstracting away the implementation details of qooxdoo widgets.
Basic utilities for performing UI tests based on selenium on CI servers.
Selenium is a set of different software tools each with a different approach to supporting browser automation. These tools are highly flexible, allowing many options for locating and manipulating elements within a browser, and one of its key features is the support for automating multiple browser pl...
Contains Nugets:
1. Selenium
2. ChromeDriver
3. Extentreports (html loger)
Implementation for Web Automation using Selenium
Implementation for Web Automation using Selenium
Implementation for Web Automation using Selenium
Screenshots extensions, like screenshot a entiry page.
For examples of usage, see the github project page.
Implementation for Web Automation using Selenium
Implementation for Web Automation using Selenium
Extensions for the Selenium IWebDriver with often missed functions.
Selenium helpers to optimize the work with BrowserStack with IWebDriver