Top 20 NuGet roslyn Packages

Attributes for Intent Architect C# code weaver.
Simple AOP for .NET with Roslyn To use Install as global tool as dotnet tool install -g dotnet-aop go to your solution folder run dotnet aop For customizing , see Modify this file and run dotnet aop processme.tx...
The CLI for Scripty, a tool to let you use Roslyn-powered C# scripts for code generation.
Analyzers for Microsoft.AspNetCore
A script pack for ScriptCS that brings in the code analysis metrics.
This is a temporary package aimed at resolving Nuget.Core issues in KPM until ASP.NET 5 goes out of beta3. ScriptCs.Hosting provides common services necessary for hosting scriptcs in your application.
C#-to-JavaScript compiler with TypeScript support powered by Microsoft Roslyn
Wintellect Roslyn code analyzers and code fix providers for producing better code. See the GitHub project for the source. Have ideas for analyzers? Feel free to fork or let us know!
A set of roslyn diagnostics geared towards WPF clean code.
Code Generator
The core engine for Scripty, a tool to let you use Roslyn-powered C# scripts for code generation.
A lightweight framework for creating unit tests for Roslyn diagnostic analyzers, code fixes and refactorings using NUnit. This is a NetStandard retarget of Dustin Campbell's library, targetting newer versions of CodeAnalysis packages.
Wintellect Roslyn code analyzers and code fix providers for producing better code. See the GitHub project for the source. Have ideas for analyzers? Feel free to fork or let us know!
Wintellect Roslyn code analyzers and code fix providers for producing better code. See the GitHub project for the source. Have ideas for analyzers? Feel free to fork or let us know!
Mocklis is a library and source code generator for .net, targeted at generating test doubles from interfaces. Mocklis.Core contains classes and interfaces used by the generated test doubles. See also the Mocklis package for a more comprehensive set of tools for writing tests using the generated code...
Roslyn analyzers.