Top 20 NuGet roslyn Packages

Mocklis is a library and source code generator for .net, targeted at generating test doubles from interfaces. This package contains an ILogContext which writes to a Serilog ILogger.
Mocklis is a library and source code generator for .net, targeted at generating test doubles from interfaces. This package contains experimental code that might some day make it to the Mocklis or Mocklis.Core packages.
A lightweight framework for creating unit tests for Roslyn diagnostic analyzers, code fixes and refactorings. This is a of fork Dustin Campbell's library RoslynNUnitLight - this version is a test framework independent.
The MSBuild project SDK that helps correctly create CodeGeneration.Roslyn plugins (generators). For the convenience of plugin consumers, create metapackage as well. For details, see project readme: How to use MSBuild proj...
Mocklis is a library and source code generator for .net, targeted at generating test doubles from interfaces. This package contains tools for writing tests using the generated code.
Package Description
NOTE: A custom Roslyn compiler that allows access to internals/privates in other assemblies. Note: This package is deprecated. Please use OpenSesame.Net.Compilers.Toolset instead. CoreCLR-compatible versions of the C# and VB compilers for use in MSBuild. More details at https...
NOTE: A custom Roslyn compiler that allows access to internals/privates in other assemblies. .NET Compilers Toolset Package. Referencing this package will cause the project to be built using the C# and Visual Basic compilers contained in the package, as opposed to the version installed ...
Domain objects used by the ErosionFinder package.
IospAnalyzer is an Roslyn analyzer to enforce the integration operation segregation principle while coding. This package contains the corresponding attributes for annotating the integration and operation methods
A collection of code-quality analyzers based on the new Roslyn platform. This project aims to ensure code-quality as you type it in your editor rather than having to do this as a separate build-step.
Rop Helper Library
A analyzer library for Visual Basic that uses Roslyn to produce refactorings, code analysis, and other niceties. This is a community project, free and open source. Everyone is invited to contribute, fork, share and use the code. No money shall be charged by this software, nor it will be. Ever.
The CLI for Scripty, a tool to let you use Roslyn-powered C# scripts for code generation.
Essential adaptations implementation for PS.Build adaptation toolchain.
Code Analyzers for projects using Marten.
Roslyn analyzers for Gu.Localization.