Top 20 NuGet regex Packages

Several Handlebars.Net helpers in the categories: 'Boolean', 'Constants', 'DateTime', 'Path', 'Enumerable', 'Environment', 'Math', 'Regex', 'String' and 'Urls'.
PCRE for PeachPie.
.NET port of dk.brics.automaton - Project Fare is an effort to bring a DFA/NFA (finite-state automata) implementation from Java to .NET. There are quite a few implementations available in other languages today. This project aims to fill the gap in .NET.
MADE.NET Data Validation comes fully loaded with all the value validators you'd expect of any validation library. Easily get up and running with data validation on value ranges, alphanumeric, email address, min/max lengths, required, regular expressions and more as well as defining your own!
Regular expression matching library.
Handlebars.Net.Helpers Xeger (Fare)
PCRE.NET is a .NET wrapper for the PCRE library. The goal of this project is to bring most of PCRE's features for use from .NET applications with as little overhead as possible.
Platform-specific NuGet package containing RE2 and the cre2 wrapper
Platform-specific NuGet package containing RE2 and the cre2 wrapper
Platform-specific NuGet package containing RE2 and the cre2 wrapper
Advanced parallel searching and indexing of source code files. Automatically recognizes source code file extensions and excludes package and node_modules directories. Search by Wildcard, Regex, Plain Text, and Boolean Expressions
Several Handlebars.CSharp helpers in the categories: 'Constants', 'Enumerable', 'Math', 'Regex', 'String' and 'Urls'.
Converts regular expression matches to strong types.
This is a powerful, yet simple, URL path pattern parser and matcher
Many utilities like: enumeration, hash, json (extension newtonsoft), regex, signature, string, uri, dictionary, etc
Search, replace, rename and delete directories, files and its content using the power of .NET regular expressions.
Modern, powerful open source C++ class libraries for building network- and internet-based applications that run on desktop, server, mobile and embedded systems.
Modern, powerful open source C++ class libraries for building network- and internet-based applications that run on desktop, server, mobile and embedded systems.
Linear-progressive text discovery engine exposing functionality through simple service APIs. Break plain text into a sequence of slices which can be reconstituted as annotated text. Generate meta-rich tokens from a search expression to then be used to annotate source text matches; noise-word detect...