Top 20 NuGet regex Packages
FluentRx is a simple fluent regex API abstraction over regex, enabling you to write regex expressions cleanly, functionally and maintainably, and not worry about their godawfull syntax.
Interfaces and base implementation for the Specification pattern.
⏱ Superfast ^Advanced wildcards++? `*,|,?,^,$,+,#,>,++??,##??,>c` ...
Unique algorithms that was implemented on native unmanaged C++ but easily accessible in .NET
through Conari (recommended due to caching of 0x29 opcodes + related optimizations) etc.
✔ regex-like quantifiers and amazing meta symb...
A System.Text.RegularExpressions implementation for Unity3d that supports compiled regexes
SigmaValidation is initiation to validate phone numbers of different regions/countries around the globe.
Utils for .NET applications
+ Serializers for object to JSON and XML
+ Object Binder for NameValueCollection to Object
+ Safe converter for any object type to another object type
+ Regular Expression patterns for many string format
+ Extension methods for some actions
+ Hash utils for crypto
+ File...
Awesome lib with extension utilities
Library for generating regex patterns for numeric ranges
MSBuild task for regular expression pattern matching for MSBuild properties like this:
<RegexMatch Input="$(Foo)" Pattern="^Hello">
<Output TaskParameter="Match" PropertyName="Result" />
Regex Modeling
Veres is a Verbal Regular Expressions Builder, that makes creating Regex for C# and VB.NET very easy, and makes your code readable and meaningful.
A simple and intuitive command line tool to find regular expression and replace by new value.
Ideal for automating configuration files for multiple environments
.NET Standard Base Type Extensions
Validation easy and simple to use, with single classes you define what you need in a string.
A text finder.
Library that simplify creation of regular expressions