Top 20 NuGet regex Packages

Regular expression extension methods for string
String Utils
Colors text over STDIN based on regular expression patterns.
Small helper library for constructing RegEx strings
RegexFactory is a library for building, concatenating and reusing regular expressions.
StringScanner allows reading of strings one word at a time, with word boundaries being defined by a provided regex delimiter.
String pattern matching with readability - 'Coding careers are too short for Regular Expressions'
Command line tool to recursively rename files based on regex pattern search and replace.
IBreachedPasswordService calls the HIBP ( range search API and returns the number of times a password has appeared in a known data breach. IForbiddenPasswordService uses locally configured (via config or text file) regex patterns to check for forbidden passwords
Regex Builder starting from a training set
High-performance .NET regex engine with predictable performance
Package Description
Multiple extension methods to ease the determination of regex matches