Top 20 NuGet reflection Packages

Package Description
Sets the value to a property of an object by its path from the root. The object can be a complex object and the property can be multi level deep nested property or it can be a property directly under the root. ObjectWriter will find the property using the property path parameter and update its va...
Type extensions
A GUI and Command Line application to compare versions of .NET assemblies.
Reflector Library to make it convenient to make .NET reflection calls. Very useful for dynamic user input.
The reflection-based C++ unit testing framework. SlothUnit aims to be really simple to use, expressive and easy to setup. More than anything, trying to be really familiar to your usual C++ code, so you are not required to study it in-depth to be able to start using it fluently (no learning cu...
Reflection helpers
AssemblyExtensions is a .NET Core class library that can be used to get metadata for an assembly.
DynamicPropertyAccessor allows you to set and get property values dynamically without the performance penalty of Reflection. DynamicPropertyAccessor performs around 300 to 400% faster than Reflection (please see performance test at project site).
Charger is an object mapper, for easily mapping between properties in two objects. fore more info, visit:
Neo Systems .NET libraries
A package to enumerate registered COM type libraries and the types within them.
MEF catalogs (MetadataDirectoryCatalog, MetadataAssemblyCatalog and MetadataTypeCatalog) that are based on a fast metadata reader instead of Reflection.
Package Description
The TypEngine package provides a handful of simple extension methods to simplify .NET Type reflection code.
Enable features to help in reflection codes.