Top 20 NuGet reflection Packages

What if you want to copy all or some of the properties from one object to another object? What if you want to convert from your Data Layer to your Domain Layer? Using MappingObjectsFramework that task
Provides some useful utility functions for working with Linq Expressions: * GetPropertyInstance * GetPropertyName
The ReflectedTile class extends ShellToast with the "Sound" property for WP8 GDR3 that allow you to set custom notify audio clip.
FluentTypeScanner is a .NET library used to scan for types using various scanning strategies expressed using a fluent-based declarative syntax.
Package containing general reusable functionality
Take over the tri-state area with crazy fast reflection!
Type provider to statically expose reflection information. E.g. verified at compile time and intellisense enabled Methods.System.Console.``WriteLine : string -> unit`` rather than verified at runtime typeof<System.Console>.GetMethod("WriteLine", [| typeof<string> |])
.NET useful helpers.Reflection, Web, Xml schemas, clone, compression, regexp, and more.
An Activator that uses lambda expression to create objects
Common reflection tasks implemented as extension methods.
Facilitatates DI, IoC, Event Aggregation, and provides tools for Meta Developers, such as Reflection Extension Methods and Attribute Interpretation Services.
Uses delegates to provide fast access to public fields and properties
Ensues.Reflection provides methods for resolving .NET member names to strings. So, the following code will put "MyProperty" into "propertyName". var propertyName = myObject.GetMemberName(mo => mo.MyProperty);
Structural contracts, eager assembly loading, easier reflection.
A reflection cache library for .NET
Utilities I need for almost every project
An simple wrapper of Reflection methods. It allows you to access private class members. Built with .NET Standard 2.0.
Type reflection library for cross platform development on Android, iOS and WinRT
TypeLib Information library v1.1.81.69. TypeLib library allows you to query COM servers using reflection like syntax to dynamically get information about exported classes, methods, properties and other data.