Top 20 NuGet reflection Packages

Utilities for working with reflection.
Easily copy data from two unrelated classes.
Blur provides a fluent and minimalistic way to edit assemblies from the inside, using Mono.Cecil: - Expression / Method printing to MethodBody. - Compile-time mixins. - Custom attributes.
Tool for automatic generation of documentation in the form of images. Using Reflections. Find all the classes, which have a custom attribute. Get their links in the form of a graph.
Reflection mapper wrapper for AutoMapper
A library that dispatches member access of a type to its mapped types when there are no common interfaces or inheritances between them.
Another implementation for MicroReflection library made for .Net Standard
Reflection and type conversion library for .NET
Generic State Machine implementation using reflection to collect Transition implementations.
Supported platforms: - .NET Standard 2.0 - .NET Core 2.0 - .NET Framework 4.6.1 All platforms that implement .NET Standard 2.0. See Visit repository for sample usage. See
A "Swiss Army Knife" of sorts for IL-generated methods that are faster then their Expression & Reflection counterparts.
Handy extensions. Contains extensions for: Reflection.
Various utilities and helpers spanning the range of collections, configuration, sql generation, extensions, reflection, and more.
It is an extenion for mapping data to your model that returned from efcore stored procedure executed.
An object instance creator & object mapper that uses Fast Member for reflection purposes. Also extends fast member feature to retrieve custom attributes from Members
An implementation of the Tcl scripting language.
An implementation of the Tcl scripting language.
Bind Cake arguments to classes via Attributes