Top 20 NuGet reactive Packages

Provides a covariant enhanced version of the EventPattern<TEventArgs>, in the form of IEvent<out TEventArgs> and Event<TEventArgs> (wihch inherits from EventPattern<TEventArgs>).
xUnit tests for netfx-System.Reactive.Event
Provides a reactive extensions event stream, allowing trending and analysis queries to be performed in real-time over the events pushed through the stream.
Provides the IEventStream interface of a reactive extensions stream, allowing trending and analysis queries to be performed in real-time over the events pushed through the stream, as well as flexible subscription models.
Reactive LINQ extensions supplementary to Microsoft's Reactive Extensions for .NET (Rx).
Reactive LINQ extensions supplementary to Microsoft's Reactive Extensions for .NET (Rx - Experimental).
This project provides Reactive Extensions for JavaScript (RxJS) bindings for HTML DOM objects to abstract over the event binding and Ajax requests.
Generates OData style Rx Observables from LINQ queries against a REST service.
Implementing socket-based prototols in .NET has never been easier. Example: from header in socket.Receiver.Buffer(4) let length = BitConverter.ToInt32(header.ToArray(), 0) let body = socket.Receiver.Take(length) select Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body.ToEn...
Event Aggregator using Reactive Extensions 1.0, compatible with .NET 3.5 applications.
This project provides Reactive Extensions for JavaScript (RxJS) bindings for WinJS to abstract over the event binding, and promises.
MVVM-Sidekick ============= MVVM密友 =================== A Modern light-weight MVVM framework based on RX and TPL await 轻量级MVVM框架,基于RX与 await等新技术 [微博] [twitter] [Mail] ...
A set of reactive/observable wrappers around the FileSystemWatcher.
Stacks - reactive actor/network library
Use Rx additions with Property Framework. Consume sequences of property values and reload calls.
PLinq extensions for dynamic data. This is the recommended Dynamic Data package when targetting net 4.5 or above
SmartReactives is a .NET library that will automatically discover dependencies between expressions and variables for you.
Inspired by languages like Concurrent ML and Cilk, Hopac is a library for F# with the aim of making it easier to write efficient parallel, asynchronous, concurrent and reactive programs. Hopac is licensed under a MIT-style license. See project website for further information.
ToolKit that makes it easier to use TDD in building and testing actor systems with Akka.NET