Top 20 NuGet reactive Packages

[.NET 4.6.1+] - DisposableObservable: a class for creating Observable sequences with TPL easily as Observable.Create - [IObservable].Serialize: wrap all subscriptions into a single ISubject against the sourcing observable - [IObservable].AsAsync: execute all functions on TPL - [IObservable].Fork: a...
Functional Reactive Programming library, push-pull model, a modern approach to event handling and model sampling.
Cross Platform Reactive Motion Sensors Plugin for Xamarin and Windows Available Sensors * Accelerometer * Ambient Light * Barometer * Compass * Device Orientation * Gyroscope * Magnetometer * Pedometer * Proximity Supported Platforms * NET Standard * Android 4.3+ * iOS 8+ * Windows UWP
Abstractions used by the Ofl.Extensions.Logging.Observable project.
Parallel Task Queue Reactive Extensions - .NET Standard Library Simple way to process tasks in parallel queues
RxApp view bindings and navigation support for XamarinForms.
Provides RX.Net specific client(s), custom types, helpers and extension methods for the Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services & Team Foundation Server 2015 client(s).
Dataflow programming, the monadic way
Reactive Extensions (Rx) support for the .NET Docker client.
This is an extension to the MouseKeyHook library which allows you to observe keyboard and mouse venets in reactive manner using Rx.Net (System.Reactive) extensions.
Event loop with handler loading and deferred execution.
Extensions from STDev. Target is .NET 4.6, UWP, Xamarin(Android, iOS, Forms) and .NET Standard 1.3.
Micro topic pubsub library.
An observable API wrapper to"Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Table" sdk, enforcing all the sdk constraints
Simple, lightweight, yet powerful way to build reactive, real-time web apps. Server-side counterpart of dotNetify web component library.
Extension to Rx.Net.Plus to support Json flat serialization
Custom navigation for Xamarin using Reactive Extensions