Top 20 NuGet quarks Packages

A Machine.Fakes context configuration which fakes an ajax http request
A Machine.Fakes context configuration which fakes a standard http request
A utility class for getting the name of an instance member from a member access lambda
Extends NameValueCollection to include a ToDictionary method
An extension method which sets DefaultReadOnly to true and FlushMode to Never
Wraps a session action in a transaction if there is no active transaction in progress
An extension method which gets the current session from context, or opens a new session
An extension method which reveals whether or not a current session context class has been configured
An extension method for configuring NHibernate.Sessions using FluentNHibernate
This DriverConnectionProvider can be used with Sqlite In Memory databases to ensure that a single connection is kept and never closed (so the schema is not lost).
Utility class used for adjusting NHibernate mappings for options not supported by Sqlite. See
An NHibernate IInterceptor which adds an SQL comment containing a method name to all generated SQL. Finds the method name by walking the stack trace selecting the first method matching the supplied predicate.
A base class for creating immutable composite user types
A base class for creating immutable user types
A simple implementation of IReadOnlyList<T> representing a page in a collection
A utility class for retrying an invocation a specified number of times, with a specified interval between retries
A utility class for manipulating text in sentences
Adds an extension to String for Contains, with a case-insensitive option
A functional switch statement based on code by Bart De Smet:
A fake implementation of HttpResponseBase