Top 20 NuGet quarks Packages

A has many convention which sets key column
An id convention which sets column
A property convention which sets column
A reference convention which sets column
Expression tree extensions that helps to combine together filtering expression trees
A class convention which sets table
A property convention which sets custom type binary blob
A proxy convention for interface entities
A reference convention which sets foreign key
A user type convention which sets custom type to ByteType
A user type convention which sets custom type to EnumerableOfStringType
A user type convention which sets custom type to NullableTimeType
A user type convention which sets custom type to UIntType
A user type convention which sets custom type to UShortType
A trivial class that is used to make sure that Equals and GetHashCode are properly overloaded with the correct semantics
A utility class based on for manipulating text
A Machine.Fakes context configuration which provides a fake UrlHelper
Machine.Fakes context configurations which provide methods for creating fake request contexts
A fake implementation of UrlHelper
A helper class for getting a Quarks.FluentNHibernate.ITypeFilter for configuring NHibernate.Sessions