Top 20 NuGet quarks Packages

Gets the member attribute associated with the given enum value
An implementation of ExpressionVisitor that builds up a path string that represents member access in an Expression
Rebinds parameters in an expression using a given map
A simple feature-switch class which looks up features in app settings
Utility class for persisting objects to file paths
An attribute used to define an abbreviation for a table name, to be used when deriving column names
A class convention which sets cache to read-write
A class convention which sets dynamic insert
A class convention which sets dynamic update
A class convention which sets not lazyload
A class convention which sets schema to dbo
A string extension for creating an escaped column name
A type extension for creating a table name
A has many convention which sets batch size to 100
A has many convention which sets not key nullable
A has many convention which sets not key update
A has many convention which sets not lazy load
A has one convention which sets cascade all
A has one convention which sets constrained
A has one convention which sets fetch join