Top 20 NuGet publisher Packages

The goal of pServiceBus(Phoenix Service Bus) is to provide an API and Service Components that would make implementing an ESB Infrastructure in your environment easy. It's developed in C#, and also have API written for Javascript, Java, and Objective-C Clients.
Wolfpack.Contrib.Publishers.Console is an installable package that adds a console publisher (plus associated config files) to your Wolfpack installation
Wolfpack.Contrib.Publishers.HipChat is an installable package that adds a HipChat publisher to your Wolfpack installation
zanox API .NET Client Library
ASP .NET Core Extensions for DipSocket, a lightweight publisher / subscriber implementation using WebSockets.
Simple Event Bus Library for NetStandard. Based on @songdongsheng EventBus
AdsJumbo SDK for C++ / IL2CPP / DirectX Windows 10 apps and games. Monetize your Windows 10 app or game with banner and interstitial ads with top revenue and 100% fill rate. AdsJumbo advetising SDK supports UWP, Unity3D and HTML5 apps. Increase your revenue opportunities by putting ads in your Unive...
A lightweight publisher / subscriber implementation using WebSockets.
API Client for Unity Publisher Portal -
This an assembly you can use for Publisher 2013/2016/2019 COM interop, generated and signed by Microsoft. This is entirely unsupported and there is no license since it is a repackaging of Office assemblies.
Simple EventBus Class Library
Intent Esb Client Library
Nuget Publisher tool with autoimcrement of versions
Publisher-subscriber (pub/sub) pattern implementation