Top 20 NuGet proxy Packages
.NET proxy generator powered by Roslyn
Query & set Windows proxy. API C# Implementation
NetStandard library for BrowserMobProxy API
Proxy library with support for async operations.
To build a wrapper for a given type, with several function to handle method invocations and property usages.
Simply create a ClassWrapperDescriptor, then with the instance obtained create a ClassWrapper on which the methods can be invoked
The documentation can be found on
Simple HTTP Proxy library.

TypeScript/JavaScript (Angular 5.x / AngularJs or jQuery) ProxyGenerator Template for Controllers/WebApi
Create TypeScript or JavaScript Proxies for your ASP.NET MVC Controllers. The T4 template can create Angular 2, AngularJs or jQuery proxies for your .NET Controllers or WebApi Controller.
How to use it:
Simple-to-use interface proxying library for C#
Transparent filtering proxy engine for Windows.
Check if an IP address is a Tor exit node.
It use an official list obtained from and
Prise, A .NET Plugin Framework!
Adds support for sharing services between a Prise Host and a Prise Plugin
.NET / Mono security and cryptography library that provides client support for ftps, gnupg, smartcard, and socks / http proxies
Improved xNet for .NET Framework 4.5+ / .NET Standard 2.0
Creates a proxy between the Azure Function request pipeline and your back-end WebAPI
Simple http proxy to use in front of real services. Use it for tracing blackboxes and for mocking responses.
HttpClient (IHttpClientFactory) + Proxy implementation with Dependency injection support and as proxy-list source for .NET Standard 2.1 (netstandard2.1).
The Refactorius Extensions.ServiceErrorProxy proxy wraps and unwraps server-side exceptions so that they could be properly re-thrown on the client side.
Socks4/Socks5 for IWebProxy