Top 20 NuGet proxy Packages

This is a class that implements the IWebProxy interface to act as an HTTP(S) proxy while connecting to a SOCKS5 server behind the scenes.
Utility to generate fault tolerant and highly configurable client proxies for WCF services based on WCF ServiceContracts. Supports making async calls using non async-ready ServiceContracts.
Powerful Reverse Proxy written as OWIN Middleware. Perfect for, web.api, microservices, etc.
Interception feature for expressions based Inversion of Control container for .NET as embedding-in-code package.
Package supporting development using some of the SOLID principles.
Package supporting development using some of the SOLID principles.
Easy HTTP client with support for serialization, deserialization, proxies, testing and more.
An AspNet core middleware toolkit to create proxy servers. Can be embedded in applications or used as a standalone proxy.
Providing Support of Auth, Chain, Rotating Proxies For Selenium Chrome Driver Support Only HTTP/S Proxies (Chrome Not Supporting Socks4&5 For Now)
Features: - Create proxy objects that look exactly like the original objects - Proxy target can be located anywhere where there is access to pipes ⭐ Last 10 features: - feat: Updated NuGet packages. 2022-01-19 - feat: Added ContinuousIntegrationBuild. 2021-11-29 - feat: Added separate H.ProxyFactor...
Lazy injection for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceProvider container
Defines a dynamic proxy object that enables easy access to non-public members.
Managed Fusion URL Rewriter and Reverse Proxy is a powerful URL manipulation engine based on the Apache mod_rewrite extension. It is designed, from the ground up to bring all the features of Apache mod_rewrite to IIS 6.0 and IIS 7.0. Managed Fusion Url Rewriter works with ASP.NET on Microsoft's Inte...
A lot of popular frameworks is depended on Castle Dynamic Proxy Generator, but the last one is very slow. I suggest a replacement with compile time proxy and plumbing code generator.
Provides an endpoint for ASP.NET Web Api services to serve a JavaScript proxy and metadata.
Generates a C# proxy for communicating to a RESTful Web Api that implements the WebApiProxy provider
Ninject extension for using StaticProxy.Fody with ninject. This enables proxying on platforms which don't support Dynamic Proxy (like Windows RT, Apple IPhone,...)
Lazy injection for Unity container
A lightweight server. Server, Proxy and Balancer in one package. Compression, Range, Conditionals, Redirects and etc headers processing. Server console with authorization, CoreAPI, API handling via attributes and many other tools. Read more on nuget or github.
My implementation of a combination of patterns