Top 20 NuGet proxy Packages

Package supporting development using some of the SOLID principles.
Simple library to create a proxy service for a website to host files that are actually hosted in a different location and/or domain.
A .NET Core based interception framework for AOP programming.
Using WireMock.Net to proxy http requests for mocking eternal dependecy apis.
基于 Natasha 动态编译库实现的动态接口代理。
Axual .NET Proxy for Apache Kafka
Interception for NET Allows to create proxies for classes and interfaces, intercept properties, methods, events and customize the code generated.
Testing support for your Prise Plugins!
Proxy IL Emitter
A package to create your own Proxy Switcher Action AddIn.
PCL-compatible service proxy for consuming WCF/SOAP services. This proxy solves some common problems when dealing with SOAP-based Windows Communication Foundation services. Features: * Auto-closing of client * Automatic client and channel disposing * Handles all types...
NProxy is a library for .NET to create lightweight dynamic proxies
CoreWebApiClient lib together with CoreWebApiClient.Generator app generates web api controller proxy clients to be used by wpf/webforms/console apps to connect to a web api server. Supports async/await for .NET 4 & Windows XP
CoreWebApiClient.Generator app generates web api controller proxy clients to be used by wpf/webforms/console apps to connect to a web api server. Supports async/await for .NET 4 & Windows XP
HTTP Proxy based on NancyFx which supports extension and modifying requests.
Provides a proxy that adds NTLM data for the current user, for use on systems requiring NTLM
ProxyFoo is a library for the .NET Framework to facilitate creating high-performance proxies for Duck casting, null safe wrappers, method interception, and other uses.
This package exposes metadata for ASP.NET Web Api through a handler. Supports C# and Javascript client proxy - see project site.
Map and invoke SignalR methods in a strongly typed way on the client and server.