Top 20 NuGet protocol Packages

PushNotification is a framework for Notification .NET applications. Handle Push Notifications. Across iOS, Android and UWP from a single API.
Provides Protocol Buffer Parser and Listener assets which build a subset of the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) Descriptors.
A .NET implemention of SWIM
Elink socket communication protocol.
Provides Protocol Buffer Parser and Listener assets which build a subset of the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) Descriptors.
TecLimit Communication Protocol Library
Socket communication protocol.
The LINQ extension over protobuf-net
NetMQ components for Smoke communication framework
Additional functionality for Knapcode.SocketToWith with Protocol Buffers.
Jali.Serve is a cross platform, distributed, microservice communications protocol. NJali.Jali.Serve is the .NET implementation.
An extremely fast and lightweight network messaging socket. Kinda like WCF, without the nonsense and scolding fast speeds. Great for applications communicating over a network when webAPI is too slow or inefficient. SSL encryption is optional.
LibP2P Protocol
Libuv .NET/Core binding
API library for the FreecraftCore.Serializer. Provide interface/service/contracts for the serialization service. Include this project to reference the serializer's interfaces. This way you can avoid the hard dependencies the serializer includes.