Top 20 NuGet protocol Packages

gMaps Win8 Tasks package provides quick and easy way to add mapping features to your Windows 8 application for Windows Store with help of activation protocols. You can easily display location, area, pushpin(s) and even route with several lines of code. Example: new OpenMapTask(...).Show(...
gMaps WP Tasks package provides quick and easy way to add mapping features to your Windows Phone 8 application with help of activation protocols. You can easily display location, area, pushpin(s) and even route with several lines of code. Example: new OpenMapTask(...).Show();
ENet supports multiple in-order streams of data over UDP, and allows you to decide on reliability on a per-packet basis. Both client-server and peer-to-peer architectures are supported. ENet for C# wraps the C-language ENet networking library. 32- and 64-bit Windows and MacOS DLLs are include...
NetIRC2 is an easy-to-use .NET IRC client library. It supports all major features relevant to making a chat client or bot. NetIRC2 has full support for synchronization contexts. You can use it from a Windows Forms or WPF GUI thread and chat events will be automatically dispatched, allowing you to ...
Update the WMAppManifest to indicate that a Windows Phone 8.0 app can be launched by a custom scheme/protocol.
Sequenced Message Protocol (SMP) is designed to allow developers to have a standard wrapper around data packets which can either be sent over TCP/UDP.
Google Analytics client for C# applications with automatic wire-up for Windows 8/8.1 store applications.
A library providing tools for parsing and describing protocol buffers messages in a binary format from .NET code.
An implementation of the Redis Encoding and Serialization Protocol for .Net.
A C# library for sending server-side tracking data to Google Analytics using the new Measurement Protocol (Universal Analytics)
.Net Microservice Actionless Communication Framework
Postal is a code generator that generates strongly typed message contracts for request-response type protocols. Messages are serialized and deserialized using Protocol buffers.
TAP.Net allows ouputting tap compliant tests result to the console.
Protocol Buffer serializer for Eneter Messaging Framework
An interactive fallback configuration (keys not found are requested through the console) for Marconi, a minimalistic framework for distributed micro services.
Discovery over binary location on configuration (alla COM) for Marconi, a minimalistic framework for distributed micro services.
Routing-aware Web server based on OWIN for Marconi, a minimalistic framework for distributed micro services.
Consul-based configuration and discovery for Marconi, a minimalistic framework for distributed micro services.