Top 20 NuGet postgresql Packages

Package Description
ELMAH with configuration for getting started quickly on a PostgreSQL database as the error log. NB requires manual configuration. This version has PostgreSQL as nuget dependency defined.
Attributes for decorating POCO classes with information needed to map them to/from a SQL database.
Microsoft Orleans statistics provider for ADO.NET Providers
This client library is a powerful tool for MSSQL/PostgreSQL. This tool allows to easy execute command/procedure with using only one line of code. Samples - If you have any questions or need improvement feel free to c...
Asky 极简架构,轻量级、高性能,Asky是AskyCore的别名,支持.NET Core 2.x, AskyNet支持.NET 4.7.1,帮助文档:
ORM For PostgreSQL
Package Description
This library contains types that contain common information for any functionality that operates over a network, and is configurable.
用于快速创建和更新 .NETCore 2.1 + PostgreSQL 项目,非常合适敏捷开发; dotnet tool install -g GenPg
Simple and powerful SQL builder
Experimental class library for generating PostgreSQL database schemas and Dapper ORM objects from a MySQLWorkbench .mwb file.
Build Postgresql connection strings using pgpass.conf files.
Package Description
Permite generar clausulas WHERE que se pueden usar en expresiones regulares para SQLServer, MySQL y Postgresql, por medio de un lenguaje de condiciones por objetos.