Top 20 NuGet postgresql Packages

.NET 4.0 NDbUnit for Postgresql targets; NDbUnit is a framework for managing database state during data-dependent unit tests
Simple ORM for .NET applications.
Test feature for temporary database in PostgreSQL server
PostgreSQL support for Jaunty
Toolkit for configuring Entity Framework to work with PostgreSQL database using Npgsql.
Incredibly easy and talented micro orm library for PostgreSQL
A wrapper around the standard IDb classes.
Provides PostgreSQL database access for Concordia.Framework.
Adds config for using Rezoom.SQL.Provider with PostgreSQL.
Provides PostgreSQL database access for Nightingale.
Library for Linq2DB integration of generating POCO classes from a SQL database or applying changes to a SQL database based on POCO classes and attributes.
Library for PostgreSQL integration of generating POCO classes from a SQL database or applying changes to a SQL database based on POCO classes and attributes.
Npgsql is a .NET data provider for PostgreSQL. It is implemented in C#. Works with Postgresql 7.x and above.
.NET Data Client Framework based on native queries and with optional Linq support (PostgreSQL).
PostgreSQL connectivity health check for the NancyActuator library.
Lightweight DB migrations library. Intended for applying migrations stored in embedded sql files
Enable LISTEN command in PostgreSQL to be used as Azure Webjob trigger
A high performer migration library for PostgreSQL.
A C# - Npgsql - PostgreSQL SQLHandler for rapid development