Top 20 NuGet policy Packages

SharpRetry is a simple and powerful library to create retry policies for your .net application. Create a policy once and use it everywhere in your system to make async calls in an easy and unit testable way.
Provides support for working with Polly policies, including a strategy for resilient database queries.
GIT Based Policy Store for Rsk.Enforcer
SMTP Obligation extensions for Rsk.Enforcer
Concrete Implementations for the H.Necessaire Notifications API
An API for the Data Serialization
.Net core Middleware, Add various headers to help secure your site. Disable XSS attacks with Content Security Policies, and make sure browsers do not mime sniff
The Enterprise Library Policy Injection Application Block can be used to change the behavior of any .NET objects, in order to better manage crosscutting concerns for these objects. The policy injection is implemented through the Unity interception mechanism. The package includes call handlers for Lo...
CORS policy with dynamic resolver allowing origins configured at the startup as well as others based on the implementation of the method. This will allow to check CORS policies from eg. database or cache. Leverages short-circuit evaluation and checks the method only in case of the origin missing f...
A collection of useful data and execution extensions for .NET
AWS IAM policy statement generator with fluent interface for AWS CDK (Stability: Experimental)
A custome policy of jwt authorize standard library for core 2.0
Allows for configuring transaction policies via an XML document.
The Enterprise Library Policy Injection Application Block can be used to change the behavior of any .NET objects, in order to better manage crosscutting concerns for these objects. The policy injection is implemented through the Unity interception mechanism. The package includes call handlers for Lo...
Polly is a .NET 3.5 / 4.0 / 4.5 / PCL library (now Profile 336) that allows developers to express transient exception handling policies such as Retry, Retry Forever, Wait and Retry or Circuit Breaker in a fluent manner.
Authorization concepts from ASP.NET Core back-ported to ASP.NET 4.6 / MVC 5
Class library for resolving Sender Policy Framework (SPF) strings as defined in RFC 7208.
Initialize CORS Policies via appsettings.json or your own configuration json file.