Top 20 NuGet of Packages

Common functionality required by ModuleInject.
This package allows for the implementation of a Generic Repository Using Entity Framework Code First. See a sample implementation here
World of warcraft API wrapper Library. Written in C# .Net 4.6
Simit Wrapper of Amazon Web Services (AWS) Library
This package is contains Entity framework base context, fake context, Repository and Unit of Work framework
Counts the number of lines and planks in a file or directory.
Base implementation for domain repositories and domain events using the unit of work pattern.
This package contains the Dapper.Accelr8 Repository component. It is provided in a different package for those looking to break their repository out from their SQL implementation classes.
This package contains the Dapper.Accelr8 Repository component. It is provided in a different package for those looking to break their repository out from their SQL implementation classes.
Lambda Container is a lightweight Inversion of Control (IoC) container suitable for small to medium size .Net solutions. This packages provides a one-line integration with WebApi dependency resolver.
Lambda Container is a lightweight Inversion of Control (IoC) container suitable for small to medium size .Net solutions. This packages provides integration with WebApi combined with Owin.
Standard units to use with the RedStar.Amounts package. These contain units that are part of the International System of Units (or SI, from the French Système Internationale).
Castle Windsor IoC implementation for Hangire.Pipeline
This package includes all the requierd Methods to communicate with DynThings WebAPI services.
MongoUnitOfWork is an extensible library which implements the Unit of Work pattern on top of the Official MongoDB C# driver. It also supports multi-document transactions using two-phase commit as described in MongoDB documentation.
.NET client for connecting to AllThingsTalk platform
Inversion of Control symplify using Simple Injector