Top 20 NuGet of Packages

Dependency Injection Container with a very simple API
An Ajax framework for ASP.Net 4.0 web form applications.
The UnitOfWork package provides a lightweight starter kit for using the UOW, and Repository patterns with Entity Framework. It has been implemented in an easily testable way, so that you can mock data access to make testing easier.
Provides a starter kit for unit testing UOW/Repositories with EF. Compliments the UnitOfWork package.
Simple and fast dependency injection container.
You need to implement the technique of invesion of control in a streamlined and efficient? IoCSharp is what you are looking for!
Dependency Injection Container
Unit of work repository
An inversion of control class for attaching constructor methods to interface types
This package should be referenced by the core project which contains the domain model classes
Can extract the server cache and favorites list of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.
This package contains the Dapper.Accelr8 Domain component.
This package contains the Dapper.Accelr8 Domain component. It provides a means to include your domain in the repository framework and still keep a seperation of concerns between SQL, Repository, and Domain layers.
VB.NET source file that contains an extension method that determines whether a Decimal value is a multiple of another value (Decimal). Zero values are handled correctly without throwing any DivideByZeroException. Supported versions: .NET Framework 3.5 .NET Framework 4.0 .NET Framework 4.5 .NET Fram...
VB.NET source file that contains an extension method that determines whether an Int16 value is a multiple of another value (Decimal). Zero values are handled correctly without throwing any DivideByZeroException. Supported versions: .NET Framework 3.5 .NET Framework 4.0 .NET Framework 4.5 .NET Frame...
VB.NET source file that contains an extension method that determines whether an Int32 value is a multiple of another value (Decimal). Zero values are handled correctly without throwing any DivideByZeroException. Supported versions: .NET Framework 3.5 .NET Framework 4.0 .NET Framework 4.5 .NET Frame...
VB.NET source file that contains an extension method that determines whether an Int64 value is a multiple of another value (Decimal). Zero values are handled correctly without throwing any DivideByZeroException. Supported versions: .NET Framework 3.5 .NET Framework 4.0 .NET Framework 4.5 .NET Frame...